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Getting Started for Admins

Step 3: Your Team

Understanding User Roles

There are three primary user types in Tettra:

  • Admins
  • Creators (Editors, Contributors, and Guests)
  • Readers

Creators are split into three different types:

  • Editors can reorganize categories and invite new users.
  • Contributors can create, edit, and move pages.
  • Guests have Contributor privileges but only for categories you select.

Check out our Users and Permissions Overview for more details!


Here's how to invite users:


Enter each email address you want to invite, and they'll be sent an email invitation.

Invitations - the Quick Method


Go to your Admin settings menu:

  1. Click on your team name on the top left of Tettra.
  2. Choose Team settings.
  3. Click on Admin settings.
  4. Select a default user role and check these two boxes. 
  5. Send your team this link to the login page: -- when they sign in, they'll go straight to your team if they're in your Google Workspace or Slack instance.

Allowing new users to join without an invitation makes it easier, but does allow anyone to join and create a paid seat on your plan.

If you want to make it easy for your team to join, but limit to a single team or a number of seats, consider setting a reminder to uncheck these boxes later. 

Rollout Email or Slack Post 

highlighted text is for you to customize

[Company Name] Team,

📣 Exciting News! 🎉 We've just launched our new Tettra Knowledge Base, a game-changer for accessing and sharing information within our organization. 🚀

🔑 Key Features:
1️⃣ A single source of truth: all of our knowledge now lives in Tettra.
2️⃣ Questions and Answers: Ask a question in the web app or in Slack.
3️⃣ Collaborate Seamlessly: Contribute, edit, and share your expertise to enhance our collective knowledge.
4️⃣ Up-to-Date Content: Trust that experts keep the Knowledge Base relevant and reliable.
5️⃣ Boosted Productivity: Streamline workflows and focus on high-value tasks.

✅  Here's what to do:

1. 🌐 Access and bookmark Tettra: [look for an email invite or create an account at]

2.❓We assigned you a Team Profile page to fill out - that's a great way to get to know Tettra.

3. 🙌 We value your input! Share feedback, suggestions, and contributions to enrich our Knowledge Base. Ask questions and submit page requests!

If you have any questions or need assistance, reach out to [contact details]. 


Reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know what you think of this course. Your feedback really helps us!